Power of attorney for custody

It may be the case that you are temporarily unable to exercise custody of your minor child or children. This may be the case, for example, if you go abroad or fall ill. In this case, you can authorize one or more persons to exercise custody in your place. Your custody rights will of course remain in full force and effect. You can revoke the power of attorney for custody at any time.

A power of attorney for custody can also be considered if you want to enable your partner to act on behalf of your children, but adoption is not possible and/or not desired. This may be the case, for example, if the biological parent refuses to give the necessary consent to the adoption. A power of attorney for custody is then a - possibly simpler - way of involving the partner in the exercise of custody.

If the two of you have joint custody of your child or children, you can only issue a power of attorney for custody jointly.

The authorized custodian can fully represent the child and exercise custody rights on your behalf and, in particular, make decisions on economic, health, personal and school matters.

If you wish to establish a power of attorney for custody, please provide us with the following information:

  • Your name, date of birth and address
  • Name, date of birth and address of your child or children
  • Name, date of birth and address of the person you wish to authorize