Inheritance calculator

You have recently learned of the death of a family member and have now become an heir. Please answer these questions briefly to find out how much you will inherit.

Please answer all the following questions:

Die nachfolgende Berechnung für Ihre familiäre Situation findet ohne Berücksichtigung von etwaigen Ehe- und Erbverträgen statt.

Were there any other living relatives (grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins and their descendants) at the time of death?

Were there any living siblings/nephews/nieces and their descendants at the time of death?

Was there a living father at the time of death?

Was there a living mother at the time of death?

Were there any living children/grandchildren and their descendants at the time of death?

Was there a living spouse or registered partner at the time of death?

Please enter the letters in the correct order!