
Foundation of a company

Yes, it is possible to set up a company in Germany from abroad. Here are the main steps and some important information:

  1. Choose legal form: Firstly, you must decide what legal form the company should take (e.g. GmbH, UG (haftungsbeschränkt), AG, etc.). The most common choice of foreign founders is the GmbH (limited liability company).
  2. Business address: A German business address is required. This can also be a virtual office, as long as you can use the address as an official company address.
  3. Notarisation: The formation of a GmbH or UG (haftungsbeschränkt) must be notarised. This can also be done by power of attorney so that you as the founder do not have to be present in person in Germany.
  4. Aarticles of association: We can draw up and notarise the articles of association for you.
  5. Share capital: A minimum share capital of 25,000 euros is required to set up a GmbH, whereby you must pay in at least half (12,500 euros) when setting up the company. The minimum share capital for a UG (haftungsbeschränkt) is 1 euro.
  6. Commercial register entry: You must have the company entered in the commercial register. We will prepare the necessary commercial register application for you.
  7. Tax number and business registration: After entry in the commercial register, the company must apply for a tax number from the tax office and register the business with the relevant trade office.
  8. Bank account: You must open a German bank account to deposit the share capital.
  9. Managing Director: The company requires at least one managing director. This does not necessarily have to be based in Germany.
  10. Special feature for married shareholders: According to Chinese matrimonial property law, the matrimonial property regime of community of accrued gains applies to married couples. Joint property means that the assets before the marriage belong to each spouse alone and the assets acquired during the marriage belong to both spouses. If a partner is married and Chinese matrimonial property law applies, this can be problematic under certain circumstances if only one spouse becomes a partner. Although only one spouse is a shareholder, the other spouse may also own a share in the company under Chinese law.
    However, we can include a special provision (transfer restriction clause) in the articles of association so that, according to the prevailing view in German legal literature, the share belongs to only one spouse. This special provision (transfer restriction clause) is not possible if the statutory model protocol is used.

Please also let us know whether you would like to form the company using the statutory model protocol or whether you would like a more detailed articles of association with more detailed provisions. It is cheaper to form a company using the statutory model protocol. However, as the model protocol is very concise, it is only recommended for one-man/woman companies. In particular for a GmbH with several shareholders, the model protocol lacks a number of important regulations (e.g. holding shareholders' meetings, restrictions on sale, succession, redemption, pre-acquisition rights). The same applies if you initially set up your company alone, but would like to add further shareholders at a later date.

It is therefore generally advisable to draft your articles of association in more detail and individually. Please contact us about this. We will be happy to prepare your articles of association for you. You do not need to draft the contract yourself and this will not save you any costs. In fact, the costs of notarization are always the same for an individual partnership agreement (i.e. one that does not correspond to the statutory model protocol), regardless of whether you draft the agreement yourself or whether we draft it for you. We therefore recommend that you take advantage of our experience in drafting articles of association and let us prepare everything for you. You can use the time saved in this way for the many other preparatory steps of your entrepreneurial activity.

Representation at the notarisation appointment

You do not have to travel to Germany especially for the notarisation appointment, but can have the deed approved by a notary in China (not for one-person incorporation!) or you can grant a power of attorney to a representative in advance. Please note that the notary's note in China must be translated into German. An apostille must also be affixed to the declaration of authorisation or power of attorney. We will prepare the draft of the declaration of authorisation or power of attorney for you.

Step 1: Notarised deed

Please contact the relevant notary's office with the draft declaration of authorisation or power of attorney, which can issue deeds for use abroad.

The notary's office can often also prepare translations or have them prepared. When using deeds in Germany, it is advisable to always ask the notary for a German translation.

Here you can find the contact information of some notary's offices in China:

In Beijing, you can contact the following notary's offices, among others:

Beijing Changan Notary Public Office No. 6 Chaoyang men Bei Dajie Shouchuang Plaza 7th floor Tel: 010-65544478,010-65543888 Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9:30-11:00, 13:00-16:00 Internet: 北京市长安公证处 办证地址: 北京市东城区朝阳门北大街6号首创大厦七层 联系电话: 010-65544478,010-65543888 办公时间: 工作日9:30-11:00,13:00-16:00; (周末不办理取证)
Beijing Fang Yuan Notary Public Office
Room 108, Beijing INN Building
No. 5 Dong Shui Jing Alley
Chao Nei Street
Dong Cheng District, Peking Tel.: (010) 8519 7601 / 8519 7666 / 8519 7689
Fax: (010) 8519 7600

Only in the city of Shanghai is there the large notary's office ‘Shanghai Oriental Notary Public Office’, as well as many smaller notary's offices, which also issue deeds for use abroad.
In the three regions of Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Anhui there is no dominant notary's office, but rather many small notary's offices, which we cannot list individually as this would go beyond the scope of this fact sheet.

Shanghai Oriental Notary Public Office
660 Fengyang Road/598 Fengyang Road
Tel.: 021 – 62 15 48 48
Fax: 021 – 62 15 03 36
Information: 4008214848
200041 Shanghai
电话:021-6215 4848
传真:021-6215 03 36

In Chengdu, you can contact the following notary's office, among others:

Notary's office Chengdu 成都市公证处

Guancheng Plaza, Block 1, 1-1, Shuncheng Dajie 308, Chengdu

顺城大街 308 号冠城广场 1 栋 1 楼 1 号

Tel.: (028) 8625 5556

Fax: (028) 8669 3928

In Chongqing, you can contact the following notary's office, among others:

Notary's office Chongqing 重庆市公证处

Changjiangyi Street 1 Zhonghua Plaza 1

长江一路 1 号中华广场 1 层

Tel: 023-63600055

In Kunming, you can contact the following notary's office, among others:

Notary's office Kunming Mingxin 昆明市明信公证处

Huaerbei Mansion C-3-6, Huguo Str. 57, Kunming

昆明市护国路 57 号华尔贝大厦 C 座 3-6 楼

Tel: 0871- 63311999

In Guiyang, you can contact the following notary's office, among others:

Notary's office Guiyang Guoxin 贵阳市国信公证处

Zhongshan Mansion building B-4, Fushuinan Str. 11,Guiyang

贵阳市富水南路 11 号中山大厦 B 座 4 楼

Tel: 0851 – 85872405, 0851 – 8581 8008

Notary's Office of Liaoning Province
8th floor, Guangda Building B
Beizhanlu 77
Shenhe district
Tel: (024)22519601, (024)22519602
电话 : (024) 22519601, (024) 22519602

Step 2: Apostille

The relevant Chinese Foreign Affairs Office of the respective province or city must then affix an apostille to the notarised document. You can find a list of the relevant foreign affairs offices here. As a rule, the foreign office of the province in which the notarial deed was issued is responsible.

Contacts and addresses of some external offices are listed here. The contact details of the external offices not included in this list can be obtained by calling directory enquiry 114.

For Beijing, you can order an apostille from the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the notary's office.

You can also use the services of the following agencies, among others, for the apostille procedure.

China Travel Service (CTS)
8 Dongjiao Minxiang Peking
Tel.: (010) 6512 4896, 6559 3748
Company Hongqiao
13 Dongjiao Minxiang Peking
Tel.: (010) 6526 5271, 6526 5278
Maofa International Travel Service
22 Chaowai Dajie
Fanli Mansion Room 420 Peking
Tel.: (010) 6588 9916, 6588 9918
Beijing Foreign Central Service Center
8 Waijiaobu Nanjie
Jinghua Haoyuan B – 202 Peking
Tel.: (010) 8562 2712

Office for Foreign Affairs
the city of Shanghai (Waiban)

Shanghai Foreign Affairs Service Center
Huashan Road Nr. 228
Equatorial Hotel, 1 F, Room 104

Monday - Friday: 13:30 - 17:00

Contact telephone: 021-6247 0833






联系电话:021 – 6247 0833

Office for Foreign Affairs
Anhui Province

509 Ma-An-Shan Road, Building C, 1 F, Hall 1, Counter 6


Tel: 0551-62999842




Office for Foreign Affairs
Jiangsu Province

Centre for Government Affairs

of Jiangsu Province, 2 F - F

Tel.: 025 – 8366 6440 / 8366 6590


南京市汉中门大街145号,省政务中心2 F – F

电话:025 – 8366 6440 / 8366 6590

Office for Foreign Affairs
of Zhejiang Province
Shihan Lu Nr. 1, Hangzhou

Monday to Friday: 8:30-12:00, 14:00-17:30

Tel.: 0571 – 8705 4901 / 8105 0346



周一至周五:8:30-12:00, 14:00-17:30

电话:0571 – 8705 4901 / 8105 0346

Service Office for Foreign Institutions of Guangdong Province
2 Youlin 1st Rd. Chigang, Haizhu District, 510130 Guangzhou
Tel.: (020) 8121 7589/8121 9789
广州市海珠区赤岗友邻一路二号 邮编510130
电话: 020-81217589/020-81219789
Consular Department of the Foreign Affairs Office of Fujian Province
No. 97 Hua Lin Road, 350003 Fuzhou
Tel.: (0591) 8781 5074/8782 9733
福州市华林路97号 邮编 350003
Consular Department of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Guangxi Autonomous Region of the Zhuang Nationality
No. 6 Yibin Street, 530000 Nanning
Tel.: (0771) 559 5561
南宁市怡宾路 6 号 邮编 530000
Consular Department of the Foreign Affairs Office of Hainan Province
No. 9 Guoxingdadao Street, 570203 Haikou
Tel.: (0898) 6531 6350
海口市国兴大道 9 号 邮编 570203

Sichuan Provincial Foreign Affairs Office (Waiban)
No. 100, East Section 3, 1st Ring Road 610021 Chengdu
Tel.: (028) 8439 2778
成都市一环路东三段 100 号
Foreign Affairs Office of the City of Chongqing
Address: Honghu Ostenstr. 57, Chongqing
Tel: 023-63850169
重庆市洪湖东路 57 号
Foreign Affairs Office of Yunnan Province
Address: No. 230 Daguan Road, Kunming
Tel: 0871-64098099
昆明市大观路 230 号
Guizhou Provincial Foreign Affairs Office
Address: No. 172 Guanshanxi Road, Guanshanhu District, Guiyang
Tel: 0851-8661 3272
贵阳市观山湖区观山西路 172 号

Service centre of Liaoning Province
for certifications with foreign reference

Huanghe Nadajie 96-6
Huanggu district
Tel: (024)23271077

电话 : (024)23271077

Government Hall of Jilin Province,
Counter of the Office for Foreign Affairs

Renmin Dajie 9999
Tel: (0431)82752831

电话 : (0431)82752831

Foreign Affairs Office of Heilongjiang Province

Guogeli Dajie 298
Nangang district
Tel: (0451)53633327

电话 : (0451)53633327