Transfer of registered office, change of company name, other amendments to the articles of association

Public limited company / private limited company / entrepreneurial company (limited liability)

Would you like to change the company name of your stock corporation, GmbH or UG (haftungsbeschränkt), move the registered office to another city or add to or change the object of the company? We recommend that you first coordinate the changes with the relevant Chamber of Industry and Commerce (possibly the one at your new registered office!). You can then have the corresponding amendment to the articles of association notarized. You must also register the changes with the commercial register. We will be happy to prepare all the relevant documents for you, notarize and certify them and submit them electronically to the commercial register.

For a transfer of the registered office - in particular to Monheim am Rhein - you will incur notarial costs totaling approximately € 390 plus VAT for the resolution to be notarized, the commercial register application and the electronic execution. Furthermore, registration costs at the commercial register of the new registered office (for Monheim am Rhein: Düsseldorf Local Court) in the amount of € 160. The previous commercial register does not charge any fees for the transfer of the registered office. Please let us know if we can prepare a relocation to Monheim am Rhein for you and whether you already have your new business address in Monheim am Rhein.

We are also happy to assist you with other changes to the articles of association (for example, in the case of a GmbH, changes to the provisions on succession, redemption, pre-emption rights, etc.).

Please inform us of any changes to the articles of association

  • the commercial register details of your company concerned
  • Names, dates and addresses of all shareholders
  • the names, dates and addresses of the managing directors who will sign the commercial register application and
  • Your desired changes

and others!

ATTENTION: If you only want to move your company's address within the same city, you do not need to change the company's articles of association. All you need to do is register the new address with the commercial register. We will be happy to prepare this registration for you. Please also provide us with the commercial register details of the company concerned and the new address!


GbR / oHG / KG

In the case of a GbR, no notarial involvement is generally required for amendments to the articles of association. In exceptional cases, however, notarization may be required, in particular - depending on the circumstances - if obligations to acquire real estate or GmbH shares are or are to become part of the articles of association. We will be happy to advise you on this!

In the case of the general partnership (oHG) or the limited partnership (KG), the same applies to the amendment of the articles of association itself as for the GbR, i.e. the amendment only needs to be notarized in exceptional cases. In the case of a GmbH & Co. KG, the amendment also requires notarization in particular if the partnership agreement contains the obligation to also transfer shares in the general partner GmbH when transferring limited partner shares (so-called “concurrence clause”).

If the company name, registered office or business address (within the same city) of your oHG or KG changes, you must register this with the commercial register. We will be happy to prepare the registration for you, notarize it and submit it electronically to the commercial register. Please provide us with the commercial register details of your company and the desired changes!